Project Description

04: Interview with Holly Elissa Bruno
Do you want to learn how to stop feeling like an inadequate parent and how to change your self-limiting beliefs and feelings of guilt or fear?
Today I’m most delighted to interview Holly Elissa Bruno, She is a best-selling award-winning author, international keynoter, and one of the rare parenting experts that I’m aware of who is not only teaching others how to be the best parent they can be, but she’s also living what she teaches.
Listen To The Full Episode Below
Don’t Miss These Episodes Highlights
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- How can we become more aware of our self-limiting beliefs and negative feelings such as guilt, fear, or shame? [0:52]
- What would you say helped you the most to transform your negative feelings? [10:03]
- What do you think is the thing that children need most from us when they’re going through a very panicky or difficult, or impossible time? [20:52]
- How do we find safety when things are not safe? [22:10]
To find out more about Holly Elissa’s amazing work take a look HERE
Holly Elissa’s Advice for Moms Who Want to Live It All
“I’m learning to live my life from the inside out. I learned to be a mom from the outside in and that wasn’t being me. The truth is, if I’m trying to be somebody else, there’s no way I can be myself.”
Are you hiding in what’s comfortable …
Do you want to learn how to keep your cool even during the hottest family fights and biggest struggles at work??
Head over to to get our free self-care guide and the top self-compassion tools you need to know in order to feel more patient, confident, and more yourself. In just a few minutes from now, you will learn, how to keep your cool even during hottest family fights, why self-compassion and self-appreciation are key components for successful parenting and simple actionable steps to pay more attention to YOUR own needs without feeling guilty about it.
More about LIVE IT ALL MOMMY Podcast
Pia Dögl created the LIVE IT ALL MOMMY podcast, with you and your challenges, desires and doubts as a new mom and working woman in mind. With interviews, mindful parenting tools, self-care snippets and behind-the-scene secrets from amazing moms around the globe – each episode can help you carve out your own path in order to find more purpose, fulfillment and balance in parenthood, as a powerful soul, and courageous woman. The LIVE IT ALL MOMMY podcast will give you the roadmap you need to unbundle traditional roles, misconceptions and self-limiting beliefs that keep you stuck. It’s time to put your needs first, so your child and YOURSELF can feel more calm, confident & connected.
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